As youth ministers, we can and MUST be helpful in the lives of our teenagers who are experiencing loneliness and isolation.
Tag Archives: mental health
Isolation And Loneliness in Teenagers
Let’s start with what we know Firstly, we have all been young before. While we may never have felt isolation and loneliness as teenagers, we know the normal stressors that come with the territory such as… Social AnxietyFinding their place in the social scene; social media plays a HUGE role in this. Therefore, you may […]
5 Ways To Break Through Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome. This is the name that is given to that overwhelming feeling that you are a fake, a fraud and that you will never be able to be close to people, lest they discover the “real” (and clearly less acceptable) you. Imposter Syndrome is not just bad self-esteem. It runs deeper and can be […]
5 Ways To Personally Navigate This Season
How will you continue to navigate this season? March 8 was the first Sunday that many churches throughout the world went online for worship in an effort to avoid in-person worship during the outbreak of COVID-19. As of the date of this article, that was less than 150 days ago. In less than 150 days, […]
Faces On Zoom: Blank Screens And Ceiling Fans
We’ve all done it, right? You put time, effort, and energy into prepping a virtual lesson for the youth group. You’ve advertised, and you or your volunteers reach out to the students, then you get online early in case anyone drops in to chat. You wait, and soon people begin to log on. You think, […]
Dealing With Grief
There is an emotion in the midst of everything I do these days. It is like a cloud, heavy and yet undefinable. It comes across like apathy sometimes, and other times it looks like anger. Or sarcasm. Sometimes it even looks like fear. Most people do not have words for what it means to them […]
02: Mike Toluba on Teaching Students Basic Life Skills, Mental Health in College, and the Role of Campus Ministry
In this episode, Mike Toluba discusses how our ministries can prepare students for college and the answer may just surprise you! We also discuss the mental health of college students and the role of campus ministry in relation to local congregations. Resources Mentioned: Youth Ministry Institute Online Courses Florida State University Wesley Foundation Join Our […]