You know that you need a team of leaders. To get this team, you will have to recruit people. It is probably not too far of a stretch to think that you want your team to be a strong team.
So you need a team, and you want quality leaders. I wonder, though, have you ever considered what type of leaders you need?
If you take some time to think about the type of leaders you need, your recruitment efforts have focus. By defining the kind of leader you are seeking, you can be more focused in your search and your ask.
So here is a list of five types of people you may want to add to your team.
The Writer.
You know the feeling that you experience when an Amazon package arrives. Or really when you receive anything other than a bill! Students are the same.
I once had a writer that sent the best notes. Her cards and letters made you feel as though you were the most important person in the world!
Students love cards. Cards remind them that they matter. Cards speak of belonging. Cards tell students that you love them even when they are not at church.
Find someone who will handwrite cards and mail them to your new students, your missing students, for special occasions and even just random notes to students. The best part, your writer could be a retiree or someone who cannot volunteer during your regular youth gatherings.
The Energizer.
Student gatherings need some level of positive energy. Some would call this the “craziness” factor.
Some of us are full of energy, and others are not. That is when we call up the volunteer full of energy. You know this volunteer. It is the person that can make any game exciting. It is the leader that will get the wave going. Or the volunteer that shouts louder than your youth room music when they see a student walk in the room.
The energizer volunteer matters. They bring joy and excitement to the room. These volunteers help you create an environment that feels full of life and vitality- students crave these sort of places.
The Organizer.
Some of you know you need this volunteer. You struggle maintaining medical forms, or an accurate database of your students. You love teaching, preaching, or games, but you can’t stand the thought of organizing music folders.
The organizer helps to keep you on track, makes your team and ministry run better, and helps your ministry gain trustworthiness from parents.
The Risk Manager.
Yes, those of us in youth ministry need to be concerned about safety. I once had a team member who worked in risk management for major corporations. He was a great leader and asset to the team.
Risk managers help you consider things you may not have otherwise. They also help keep you safe, your team safe, and any student safe who participate in your program. You may not have thought of this, but the risk manager can keep you and your ministry moving forward in the healthiest way possible.
The Musical One.
For some of you, this one is obvious. You may not have any training or musical ability, so of course, you would want someone to help your students worship through music.
Or are you the person who already can play the guitar, piano, or even didgeridoo? You may be able to help students explore their gifting in music. The question is, should you?
Just because you can, does not mean you should.
Finding a musically talented leader allows students to have an additional adult speaking into their life. This leader will also make it possible for you to be in other places, focusing on other vital aspects of ministry.
Finally, giving away things always makes you, your team, and ministry stronger.
You may need one, two, three, or even all of these leaders on your team. You may also have ideas about other types of leaders that you need. Regardless, you need a team. Teams make you and your ministry healthier and stronger.

Rev. Brian Lawson is the Director of Leadership Development and Client Services for YMI and has served in youth ministry since 2004. He also serves as a pastor in the Florida Conference of the UMC. Brian holds a Master of Ministry with a focus in organizational culture, team-based leadership, change, conflict, and peacemaking from Warner University. In addition to his degrees from Warner, he studied Christian Education at Asbury Theological Seminary. Click the social links below to engage with Brian.
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